FirstRate® Generator Cost Database

Energy Visuals, Inc. now offers comprehensive generator cost information for NERC power flow cases! Put the power of optimal power flow (OPF) analysis to work with the FirstRate® generator database.

Energy Visuals' FirstRate is developed and maintained by Energy Visuals, Inc. along with PowerWorld Corporation Some of the Product features are:

  • Identification of power plant name and operator, prime mover and primary fuel type allows easy filtering and sorting in PowerWorld Simulator®;
  • Heat rate, fuel cost, and variable O&M cost allow PowerWorld Simulator OPFTM to dispatch generators at minimum cost, subject to transmission constraints;
  • Visualize LMP contours in PowerWorld Simulator OPF;
  • Available for NERC MMWG, WECC, and ERCOT cases and the Energy Visuals, Inc. Transmission AtlasTM onelines and cases;
  • Figures updated monthly;
  • Provided in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, ready to copy and paste into PowerWorld Simulator;
  • Also available in PowerWorld Simulator auxiliary file format.

FirstRate is another representation of the partnership between PowerWorld Corporation and Energy Visuals, Inc. to bring comprehensive solutions for analysis of locational marginal price markets..

For more information about FirstRate, please contact Energy Visuals at or (217) 398-8035 at the home office in Champaign, IL or Tim Mack at

LMP contour created with FirstRate generator cost model, Transmission Atlas diagram, and Simulator OPF

© 2013 Energy Visuals, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Transmission Atlas is a Trademark and FirstRate® is a registered Trademark of Energy Visuals, Inc.