The Energy Visuals Transmission Atlas™ is a map product meant for use with
PowerWorld Simulator® or Viewer®.
The latest version of Transmission Atlas captures the dynamic changes that have transformed the electric power industry over the past year. The continued growth of the ISOs, the evolution of a Standard Market Design and Locational Marginal Pricing have all driven an increasing demand for more system data on shorter time lines. Energy Visuals Inc. has responded with a substantially enhanced product for use now and beyond.
As occurs each year, the Transmission Atlas gets updated to reflect changes across the North American Transmission Grid. Customer input continues to drive improvement to the Transmission Atlas oneline diagrams, thus enabling the user to get an even more detailed analytical picture of each region of interest. In addition, the following enhanced features have been added.
- . Transmission Atlas (TA) is configured with each series to reflect changes in industry usage and is broken down as follows:
- Eastern Interconnect: This includes all of the regions combined for onelines which cover the entire Eastern interconnect now. This also includes mapping of Canadian regions. -The Eastern Interconnect includes the footprints of all the major ISO's in the East - such as:
- PJM-Extended: The PJM as extended planning, operations and marketing region.
- Midwest ISO.
- NY-NE: The NY and NE ISO regions.
- SERC-FRCC: The SERC and FRCC NERC regions.
- ERCOT: The traditional ERCOT NERC region.
- WECC: this remains the WECC region for the West
Eastern Interconnect also includes mapping of Canadian regions and Transmission Atlas is still available in smaller regional configurations upon request (cost quoted upon request). TA for the Eastern Region utilizes the Multi-regional Modeling Working Group (MMWG) data which more clearly represents long distance transfers between regions across the regional boundary areas.
- All power flow cases are mapped down to the lowest kV bus level and all generation.
- . Oneline objects are applied to layers by default based on kV level. Allowing for the user to hide/show objects as their needs dictate.
- . Our products will always take advantage of Powerworld Simulator's latest version improvements for users including conditional zoom and many other features with the onelines. The lower kV items begin to show as you zoom in on specific areas.
Additional Transmission Atlas oneline diagram regions and products that are available include:
- MISO footprint: The Eastern Interconnect MMWG based onelines fully cover the Midwest ISO footprint. If interested in the MISO specific cases. Some interest has been expressed and we are exploring developing MISO case specific Transmission Atlas. We do not have a targeted release date.
- Add-on Module - FirstRate®: Transmission Atlas now offers a snapshot generator cost data product. This cost-effective product includes age, type of fuel and other relevant information, compiled to provide generator cost data which can be imported into Transmission Atlas for analysis with or without the use of the Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow add-on for PowerWorld Simulator.
- Other Transmission Atlas product- TA-PJM Monthly Network Model: Transmission Atlas PJM-Monthly Network Model now provides a oneline for the PJM monthly network cases for the operating market. This includes easy cross-reference to the PJM LMP prices.
- Custom oneline development: Energy Visuals has the staff and expertise to work with clients in development or alteration of existing Transmission Atlas onelines to suit specific client needs.
Transmission Atlas: sold by single region or multiple regions. Also note
that we often fulfill requests to customize the Transmission Atlas onelines or help with matching to internal power flow cases
to meet the customers specific needs on a consulting basis. See our Transmission
Atlas consulting page for more information about this.
Older versions of Transmission Atlas are also made available.

© 2013 Energy Visuals, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Transmission Atlas™ is a Trademark and FirstRate® is a registered Trademark of Energy Visuals, Inc. |